Track.Health : E-consenting done right
I work as a principal software engineer here at and this is my take on the amazing platform we have built and continue to improve upon as a team.
We help patients, hospitals, clinical research firms across the globe with our innovative way of planning and executing your e-consenting journey in a seamless manner.
This post will focus on how we do that at a very high level and we will dive into specifics on subsequent posts.
Create your content
We truly believe in empowering our customers to be totally autonomous when they go about creating content which is why we have created our own innovative on-line editor. How does it look like you ask? Well I am glad you asked.
This is a snapshot of the options we have on our editor. As you can see, as a user, you have so many options to define your own consenting form that you get to send out to your patients. You are covered with most of the commonly used elements within a questionnaire and we even have some really cool features like the ability to upload and display 3D images(More on that on a later post).
Ok hold on, I get that you can create your own content and that is cool, but I have my own workflow to manage as part of my e-consenting process. There are doctors, clinicians, patients involved in the end to end process. How do I manage this?
You call them workflows, we call them Journeys!
Defining your own workflow(Journey)
Yet again, we give our customers the complete control over how they want to define their own workflow and any new workflow does not result in a change request to us as everything is highly configurable within our platform. This is just a glimpse of the configuration available with so many other customisations possible.
Ok so now I got my content created and the workflow defined, how do I send this to my patients to start the e-consenting process?
We call this Enrolments.
Enrolling your patients in your e-consenting workflow
It is as easy as selecting your patient, selecting the journey you just created and clicking on enroll participants. This triggers the workflow initiation on our platform after which the patient will get a link to gain access and start their e-consenting form(I will discuss how we handled patients logging into our platform in a separate post).
Final thoughts
On this post, we just scratched the surface on what is possible with our state of the art patient engagement platform. In subsequent posts, we will dive deeper into some of the most intricate functionalities and features of the platform that truly delivers value to our customers and lets them view patient data in a more meaningful manner.
Head over to to learn more about how we can help you in your e-consenting journey.